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Principles of Design

The principles of design are concepts used to organize or arrange the structural elements of design. Again, the way in which these principles are applied affects the expressive content, or the message of the work.

Balance: the distribution of visual weight within a composition.


Emphasis: also called focal point. a compositional strategy where the artist creates an area that stands out more than the other area


variety: also called variation. a compositional strategy where the artist uses a several different elements to create interest.


rhythem: the use of reoccurring elements to direct movement of the eye through artwork.


movement: how the eye moves through the composition; leading the attention from one aspect to the other.​

explain/describe the term rhythem

explain/describe the term rhythem

I know this is asymmetry because it has a variety os different photos. 

I know this is symmetrical because it is the same photo upside down.

explain/describe the term proportion

explain/describe the term emphasis

explain/describe the term balance

UNITY/HARMONY: The principle of design that combines elements in a work of art to emphasize the similarities of separate but related parts.  

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